
“It’s Never too Early or too Late for Action”

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar level.

Scope of the problem DM affects an estimated 425 million people worldwide and if current trends continue about 693 million people (10% of the population) will have DM by 2045.

Globally the number of people with DM has quadrupled over the past three decades. DM is the ninth major cause of death. Currently affecting almost 1 in 11 adults aged 20 to 79 years. It is estimated that about half of the population with diabetes remain undiagnosed.

T2DM is the most common form of DM accounting for about 90% of all DM cases. The prevalence of pre-diabetic is increasing and projected to affect more than 470 million people by 2030 up to 70% of who will develop T2DM. DM has been shown to be associated with 2-fold increased risk of all cause mortality and 3-fold increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. When DM combined with CV complications (heart attack or stroke) leads to life expectancy reduction of 12 years.

There is a sex difference in CVD and associated mortality in DM, women with DM have more risk of CV death than men with DM.

DM may be caused by decreased insulin secretion, decreased insulin action or both.

Although genetic make up may partially play a role, the main drivers of the global epidemic of T2DM are the rise in obesity, sedentary lifestyle, energy dense diets and population aging