
Amber Clinics


Pediatrics deals with the medical care of infants and children including child development, immunization and the management and diagnosis of acute illness. Amber Clinics have made a promise to our youngest patients that we will treat them with the highest standard of care and priority which they deserve in an age appropriate environment. Our pediatricians are internationally certified practitioners committed to promoting child health and well-being.

Our Services include:
  • Well-Baby Check Up, Child Growth, Growth Failure & Developmental Milestone Management
  • Immunizations
  • Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-Up of Respiratory such as Bronchial Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Cardiac Problems such as Rheumatic Heart Disease, Congenital Cardiac Disease
  • Management of all Skin and Naso-Bronchial Allergies in Children
  • All neonatal Problems, Adolescent Health Problems
  • Nutritional Education
  • Epilepsy and Obesity Management
  • Psychological Disorders like Nocturnal Enuresis, PICA, ADHD and Habit Disorders
Our pediatric and general medicine team have the following vaccines available:
  • Actacel
  • BCG
  • Chicken Pox(Varicella)
  • DPT
  • DT-Adult
  • Gardisal/Cervarix
  • Hepatitis B Adult
  • Hepatitis B Pediatric
  • Twinrix(Hep A+B)
  • Twinrix(Hep A+B)-Pediatric
  • Havrix
  • Havrix-Pediatric
  • Hib
  • Infanrix Hexa
  • Influenza
  • Measles
  • Mencevax
  • MMR
  • Penta Act Hib
  • Pneumococcal
  • OPV
  • Prevnar
  • Rabies Vaccine
  • Rota Virus Vaccine
  • Rubella
  • Tetanus Toxoid
  • Tetra-Act Hib
  • Typhoid
  • Poliorix
  • Yellow Fever
  • Synflorix


Experience unmatched healthcare at our renowned life medical centre in Dubai.